Frontier Vet DR
Frontier Vet package has been a collaborative project designed with leading worldwide medical imaging suppliers under the Frontier Vet name.
This product is designed for the small animal veterinary provider. Offering a simple to use platform, functional but simple interface, superior image quality and most importantly value for money.
The package can utilise wired or wireless 35cm x 43cm or 43cm x 43cm Caesium Iodide (CSi) detectors at 100 or 140 micron.
The detectors are designed to fit in a standard bucky tray allowing a simple retrofit into your existing X-ray system or into your new Sedecal Neovet system.

Dream It and We Can Make It
- A mobile Vet requiring a cased mobile system?
- A remote Vet requiring an offgrid system?
- A Zoo requiring an exotics imaging system?
- We can build a system to meet any and all requirements.